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Curs de invatare a limbii engleze ilustrat color pentru nivel liceal, clasa a IX-a, cat si adultilor, nivel intermediar. Contine 15 unitati de invatare ce dezvolta, in principal, abilitatile de citire si scriere, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, o varietate de texte, bazate pe situatii reale de viata, ce starnesc si sustin interesul pentru lectura si asigura modele pentru redactarea de compuneri, precum si exercitii lexicale si gramaticale ce familiarizeaza elevii cu elementele de vocabular si gramatica necesare pentru a redacta lucrari scrise. Successful Writing Intermediate provides a thorough preparation for the different types of writing necessary for students at intermediate level. The book prepares students to write all types of composition, including descriptive, discursive, narrative, reports, articles, letters, emails, transactional letters/emails and reviews. Each unit starts with a listening activity to simulate the students' interest. The lead-in is followed by theory, plans and full-length model compositions which help students produce successful pieces of writing. The Revision and Extension section includes a full range of composition types for students to analyse. Successful Writing Intermediate is accompanied by a separate Teacher's book and audio CD. Components Successful Writing Intermediate Successful Writing Intermediate Teacher's Book Class Audio CD